Sno Chief's



Believe it or not, it’s that time again! Welcome to the 2015-16 season and welcome

back to the Club! Now is the time to renew your membership-we’ve had some groomer

repair bills that have put a strain on our funds, especially being off-season when very

little money comes in. You can re-join at

You will need your 6 digit membership number from the card you received last year.

You can also renew at club meetings, club events and at Hebelers Sales and Service.

While you’re at it, please make sure your mailing address and e-mail address is correct.

Once you renew, please register your sled-registering your sled now helps increase the

trail fund and increases the per mile amount of money that we get back to maintain our

trails. Please go to any Niagara County DMV office to renew (as it helps a chunk of that

money stay local) or you can go to When

asked to enter your voucher number, don’t use dashes or spaces.

The club would like to thank those members that contributed so much to the club and

club activities last year. If you have an idea for a club activity, please contact one of the

officers or directors. If you have any one day or multi day rides in mind, please contact

an officer or board member-we might be able to make it happen!

We will have a couple new feeder trails this year, one to Tantara Golf Course Club House

and one to the Tonawanda Sportsmen’s Club. We are trying to get over to the Meeting

Place in Bergholz. We need someone to take over the proposed trail to Ransomville-

Pete Fleckenstein and a few others have done a lot of legwork on getting this trail

through, but need your help. Some other trail captains need help and/or someone to

take over for them. If you’re interested in learning more about managing a trail, please

call Pete Fleckenstein at 628-4841.

We are working on several Canal related trails, including the new Bike Path from

Lockport to Amherst and the Towpath form Lockport to Medina where we can meet the

current corridor trail. We need people that know the area and the landowners and the

political people in the towns and villages along the way. If you are interested in this

connection, please call Gary at 807-7002.


Newsletter Date: 2015



Your club officers and directors are:

President: Brent Walck, 523-2320

Secretary: Dave Ackerman, 946-6730

Trail Treasurer/Director: Lonnie Daigler, 731-5128

Director: , 523-1242

Director: Mike MacGillivray, 905-384-0993

Groomer Coordinator: Herb Stephenson, 523-1242

Trail Coordinator:

Herb Stephenson

Vice President: Gary Broderick, 807-7002

Treasurer: Mark Stevens, 905-931-3070

Director: Jim Biehls, 625-6834

Director: Pete York, 305-360-5135

Director: Sean Wilczak, 949-0091

Groomer Scheduler: Paul Prior, 743-9623

Pete Fleckenstein, 628-4841


Want to help out on the trails? We will start building our trail system within the next 2

months. This is a great way to get to know the trails and to meet some of your fellow

club members. We have fun and do the job-come hang out with other people that

snowmobile. If you are interested, please come to the October meeting or call Pete at


Our new website is up and running. Check it out at! Between the

website and our Facebook pages, you can keep up with club activities. Visit and ‘Like’ us.

Want to see your business advertised on the Erie/Niagara County Trail Guide? A

business card on the back with a ‘thumb tack’ locating your business on the map is $150.

For a front side business card, it’s $250. Ads need to be placed by October 15th. Please

call Gary at 807-7002 if interested.

Last Spring, we reported to you that we had a catastrophic failure of hydraulic systems

on our BR-160 Trail Groomer. Costs estimates for repair were anywhere from $10K –

$35K. The good news? The cost to repair will be much closer to the $10K estimate. The

bad news? $10K still takes a significant chunk out of our operating budget. Our annual

Trail Grant is approx. $15K which won’t cover repairs and

building/maintaining/grooming trails. Bottom line? We need to find ways to raise

money. If you have ideas, please give Brent a call at 523-2320.

–We will be receiving our allotment of Statewide Super Raffle tickets in October. We get

$2.50 for every $5 ticket sold. This is a very low overhead fundraiser for us with 56

prizes having a value totaling over $43,000. If you have ideas on how we can sell more

of these tickets, please call Gary at 807-7002. We ended up making approx.. $1250 last

year on tis raffle-as the 7th largest club in New York State, we should be able to sell far

more tickets. If we sell the most tickets in New York, we will receive more than the

$2.50 per ticket as an incentive award. We need your help to make this happen!

Check out the NYSSA Website: and

take advantage of the many discounts available to you! From Hotels and car rental

agencies to insurance to travel and so much more. You are eligible for all these savings

because as a member of the Sno-Chiefs you are also a member of the NYSSA. By the

time you read this, you will have probably received the fall edition of the New York

Snowmobiler Magazine-lots of great information on riding in New York State! NYSSA

Offers computer based Online Training to complete a 6 hour safe driving course of $22 –

and gets you a 10% liability discount on your auto insurance for 3 years!

Did you know that a 10 year old can ride a sled? They can-with a safety certificate and a

parent/guardian within 500 feet. Did you know a 14 year old can ride alone? They can,

with a safety certificate. Where do they get one? The club hosts two classes per year,

this year there will be an all-day class on December 12th and a 2 night class in January.

You can find more class information on Club members

volunteer to teach this free course. We always encourage parents to take this class with

their kids. You bring food, we supply the soft drinks. Please contact Rodger at 731-2174

for more info and reservations.

Newsletter Date: 2015




Do you know anyone that is a successful Grant Writer? We have an opportunity to apply

for the upcoming round of Recreational Trails Program (RTP) grants, allowing us to buy

new equipment for only 20% of the retail cost. If you can do it or know someone that

can, please call Brent Walck at 523-2320.

Do you like smooth trails? Know how they get that way? Come and be part of our great

reputation for smooth trails! We are always looking for volunteers to help with Groomer

Maintenance, Groomer Operation and Barn Upkeep. If you have some time and/or

experience, would like to help out or if you are willing to learn, please call Herb at 523-


New Shawnee Sno-Chiefs logo clothing is available to order at each meeting- Sno-Chiefs

Logo wear must be pre-ordered and pre-paid-Call Brent at 523-2320.


Scott’s Tint & Graphics

245 Park Ave.

Lockport, NY 14094

(716) 433-5286

Residential, Commercial and Automotive Signs

and Graphics

These are our sponsors. Please support them!

Newsletter Date:


Autumn 2015

Site Contracting


General Contracting

Certified WBE

7311 Ward Rd. North Tonawanda, NY 14120

Office: (716) 695-2926 Fax: (716) 695-2928

Proudly serving WNY for Over 45 Years

Joshua F. Prezioso

cell – (716) 310-1791




Renew Your

Membership Now!

Online at:

or at any club meeting!


Snowmobile Club

3747 Lockport Road

Sanborn, NY 14132



Snowmobile Club

Established 1973


Tell A Friend

(Cut along line – Keep it Handy!)

Check our website/message forums at

All Snowmobilers Welcome – Bring A Friend!

Dates to Remember

Newsletter Date: Autumn 2015

*-All Club Meetings are at 7:30 p.m. at Shawnee Fire Hall


Oct 5 – Club Meeting

Nov 2 – Club Meeting

Dec 7 – Club Meeting-Christmas Party

Dec 12 – Snowmobile Safety Class

Jan 4 – Club Meeting

Jan 22 – Safety Course Part I

Jan 23 – Safety Class Part II

Jan 30 – Club Sno-Drags**

Feb 1 – Club Meeting

Mar 7 – Club Meeting

Apr 4 – Club Meeting

Jun 23-25 Shawnee Field Days **

Check us out on Facebook! You can find the Shawnee Sno-Chiefs here: